Sunday 22 December 2013

David Stow Q & A

Are you male or female?
Answer - 1 for male and 2 for female or 0 for a specie unrecognised to man .i.e an Alien

                               AND last but not least  -

Would you class yourself as a geek?
Answer 1 for yes and 2 for no.

Friday 13 December 2013

David Stow Part 5 - Peek a Boo

Someone here keeps on having,
lots of sneaky peeks,
I'm not sure of who you are,
But I'm guessing your a geek.

Hide and seek and seek you sought,
So here is your prize,
Another simple-minded poem,
Before your very eyes.

Yesterday the little mouse
was feeling rather weary,
and driving home in the dark
mouse felt melanch'Oley'.

An early night was needed,
for mouse to recuperate,
Now she's back and bubbly,
And almost feeling great.

I hope last night, the fine conducting,
Was most enjoyable,
Allowing that special person,
To feel most wonderful.

So then dear peek'er,
Would you like to play a game?
I promise you, this will be fun,
As I don't even know your name.

If you wish to play, then let me know,
By commenting a number, in the box below,
But Keep yourself anonymous,
As it keeps the game mysterious………..

David Stow Part 4

... You can't see this poem, Its invisible! Look for another post called - DavidStow Pt 3!

David Stow Part - 3

....... there it is!

Now you've found me............... - 


"Your next instalment will be published later :-)  "

David Stow Part 2

There once was a mouse who lived in a house,
Who was eating her Curds and Whey,
She wanted to send to an AME friend
A greeting for the hol-iday.

Does she send a text or a card?
Her mind is boggled, the decision is hard.
Either way, I hope he gets it,
If he doesn't we might regret it.

Poetry is so much fun,
As I eat a cinnamon bun
It shows my spirit and stupid wit,
Whilst contemplating where, -  to send it.


David Stow Revised :-)

I came to see the poem I'd written,
but it had mysteriously vanished.
Left behind was a little note-
the writing was a little manic.

On the table was a trail of crumbs,
accompanied by the following words:
"Thank you for my scrumptious meal
it filled me up with verbs!

As I lie here with a full tummy,
I can barely move a muscle.
I am too scared to fall asleep,
as nightmares will bring me hassle.

My pallet is very selective,
though you may find the poem funny.
It doesn't suit my tastes,

in fact, its far too cheesy!"

David Stow
